Mon. 9/10/07 ~ Fire, Rain, and No Fantasmic!

We drove into Orlando to pick up a new dome for the satellite system to replace the one we broke in Texas. Thank heavens for the gps it got us there and back with no trouble at all. When we got back Bill replaced the dome and dried everything out from the rains we have been getting. We had a little lunch and headed over to Disney-MGM Studios intending to see a couple of attractions and then stay for the Fantasmic laser and fireworks extravaganza. Just as we were finishing dinner we got a call from the neighbor, Nikki Santiago, who told us there was a fire a couple of miles from our house. We talked to Nikki’s mom, Chris, and gave her instructions on what to take if there is an evacuation and also talked to our next door neighbor, Bobbi. As I was on the phone with them it started pouring rain. Since it has rained every afternoon that we have been here at Walt Disney World we figured it would pass in a few minutes. After waiting for several minutes with no sign of a let up we braved the rain and headed over to the amphitheater where Fantasmic is supposed to play. There was a lot of lightening and thunder and the rain just continued harder. Employees of the park came out and said they could not open the amphitheater as long as there was lightening and directed every one to go inside the theater next door. After waiting for almost an hour it was pretty obvious that the show would be cancelled so we headed toward the bus stop. We arrived home about 9:00 PM, got out of our soaking wet clothes and had our first hot chocolate of this trip.